A giant 80 page debut issue! Mike Costa delivers a new generation of bad-ass babes in the debut of Lookers! The twenty year-old title gets a fresh launch as twenty year-old sister Michelle and Tanya take down 21st century trolls.Tanya has no inhibitions and Michelle has a violence addiction - but together they help people that are violated in the cyber world. Fresh off the heels of Belladonna, Costa delivers another smoking hot new Boundless series that is a high octane romp through online sex shows and fast powerful women! Lookers is a sultry modern version of Charlies Angels run by Hugh Hefner! This ultra-size issue also features the complete classic Lookers / Pandora graphic novel epic, in color for the first time! Boundless delivers a host of sexy stunning covers with this issue including a Regular & Wraparound Cover by series artist Renato Camilo, POV & Leather cover by Christian Zanier, Sultry Cover by Matt Martin, and a Sexy Sleuths Cover by Raulo Caceres. Plus an array of super limited covers for the collector including a Costume Change Set (limited to 250 sets) by Christian Zanier. For the erotic art collectors, there is a Painted Century Nude Set of 3 books (limited to 100 sets) by Michael DiPascale and a POV Nude cover by Christian Zanier, a Sultry Nude cover also by Martin, a Regular and Wrap Nude Cover by Camilo, and a Sexy Sleuths Nude Cover by Caceres! To see the uncensored adult covers, please visit www.boundlesscomics.com.
- Vendor: Boundless Comics
- Type: comics