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The jungle is rife with danger and sensuality! Among its secrets are the beasts both familiar and primordial. And of course the dangers don't stop there, as the animal that walks on two legs can be more deadly and lustful than any in the strange alien animal kingdom. This is the line between life and death as beautiful women attempt to survive against all odds in a world without civilization. Join in the fun and devour the incredible art of the very best in cheesecake comic art! Boundless offers a host of sexy stunning covers with this issue including a Regular Cover by Renato Camilo, Wraparound and Natural Beauty Covers by Raulo Caceres, Luscious Cover by Matt Martin, and a Sultry Cover by Christian Zanier. Plus an array of super limited covers for the collector including a Century Nude (limited to 100 copies) by Gabriel Andrade, a Nude & Naughty Set (of 3 books) and a Costume Change Set (of 3 books), each limited to 250 sets, by Christian Zanier. And for the erotic art collectors, there is the Nude by Camilo, Sultry Nude by Zanier, Luscious Nude by Martin, and Wraparound Nude & Natural Beauty Nude Covers by Caceres. For the best in erotic art we also have an Adult Cover and Adult Extreme Cover by cheesecake artist Christian Zanier!
