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Captain America And The Mighty Avengers #1 Skottie Yound Variant


  • Spinning directly out of AVENGERS & X-MEN: AXIS! Sam Wilson has become Captain America, and when he assembles the Mighty Avengers, he has a whole new mission statement in mind for Earth's Mightiest Heroes.
  • But how do the events of AXIS already spell doom for the team's new direction?
  • And what is Luke Cage doing meeting with the head of the notorious Cortex corporation?
  • And why is Spider-Man trying to rejoin the team - doesn't he know Luke and Jessica have been itching for payback ever since he tried to take their daughter to Child Services back when he was 'Superior'?!
  • They're the Avengers for the people, of the people - helping whoever needs it, however they need it. And together with Sam Wilson - the all-new Captain America - they are Mighty. But in the wake of the earth-shattering events of AXIS, are they truly together? Or about to fall apart?
  • Guest-starring the apologetic arachnid - Spider-Man!
  • Rated T+


Writer: Various
Artist: Various

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